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Forex Calculator

Use our comprehensive forex calculator to measure your potential profits, losses, and more.

  • Forex
  • Swap / Interest
  • Profit
  • Margin
  • Pip
  • Currency
  • Fibonacci
  • Position Size
  • Risk/Reward
  • Notional Volume

  • USD
  • GBP
  • EUR
  • AUD
  • JPY


  • 1:1
  • 1:10
  • 1:50
  • 1:100
  • 1:200
  • 1:300
  • 1:400
  • 1:500
Trading Calculator
Trading Calculator


  • Required Margin


  • Pip Value


  • Swap Long


  • Swap Short


*The calculated results are only reference values.
*All values are calculated in real-time based on live market prices.

Swap Calculator

Use our swap calculator to calculate the potential swap fees based on trading night duration and interest rate differential between traded currencies for short and long positions.

  • Forex
  • Swap / Interest
  • Profit
  • Margin
  • Pip
  • Currency
  • Fibonacci
  • Position Size
  • Risk/Reward
  • Notional Volume


Trading Calculator
Trading Calculator

  • USD
  • GBP
  • EUR
  • AUD
  • JPY

  • SELL
  • BUY


*The calculated results are only reference values.
*All values are calculated in real-time based on live market prices.

Profit Calculator

Use our profit calculator to measure the potential outcome of your trade positions by entering your anticipated points movement.

  • Forex
  • Swap / Interest
  • Profit
  • Margin
  • Pip
  • Currency
  • Fibonacci
  • Position Size
  • Risk/Reward
  • Notional Volume


  • USD
  • GBP
  • EUR
  • AUD
  • JPY

Trading Calculator
Trading Calculator
Trading Calculator

  • SELL
  • BUY


*The calculated results are only reference values.
*All values are calculated in real-time based on live market prices.

Margin Calculator

Use our margin calculator to determine the required margin for opening and maintaining trade positions.

  • Forex
  • Swap / Interest
  • Profit
  • Margin
  • Pip
  • Currency
  • Fibonacci
  • Position Size
  • Risk/Reward
  • Notional Volume


  • 1:1
  • 1:10
  • 1:50
  • 1:100
  • 1:200
  • 1:300
  • 1:400
  • 1:500

Trading Calculator

  • USD
  • GBP
  • EUR
  • AUD
  • JPY


*The calculated results are only reference values.
*All values are calculated in real-time based on live market prices.

Pip Calculator

Use our pip value calculator to measure the movement in the exchange rate between two currencies.

  • Forex
  • Swap / Interest
  • Profit
  • Margin
  • Pip
  • Currency
  • Fibonacci
  • Position Size
  • Risk/Reward
  • Notional Volume




*The calculated results are only reference values.
*All values are calculated in real-time based on live market prices.

Currency Converter

Access fast and efficient currency quotes with our user-friendly currency calculators. Simply select the desired currencies and enter the amount in your main currency to effortlessly obtain the exchange value.

Use our currency converter to perform calculations for 100+ different currencies worldwide, utilising real-time exchange rate data.

  • Forex
  • Swap / Interest
  • Profit
  • Margin
  • Pip
  • Currency
  • Fibonacci
  • Position Size
  • Risk/Reward
  • Notional Volume

  • USD
  • GBP
  • EUR
  • AUD
  • JPY

  • USD
  • GBP
  • EUR
  • AUD
  • JPY
Trading Calculator


*The calculated results are only reference values.
*All values are calculated in real-time based on live market prices.

Fibonacci Calculator

Our advanced fibonacci calculator ensures precision in identifying potential support and resistance levels, by predicting potential price points following fluctuations in the market.

  • Forex
  • Swap / Interest
  • Profit
  • Margin
  • Pip
  • Currency
  • Fibonacci
  • Position Size
  • Risk/Reward
  • Notional Volume
Trading Calculator
Trading Calculator

  • Uptrend
  • Downtrend


  • R1



  • R2



  • R3



  • R4



  • R5



*The calculated results are only reference values.
*All values are calculated in real-time based on live market prices.

Position Size Calculator

Use our position size calculator to measure the optimal number of units to buy or sell based on your risk parameters.

  • Forex
  • Swap / Interest
  • Profit
  • Margin
  • Pip
  • Currency
  • Fibonacci
  • Position Size
  • Risk/Reward
  • Notional Volume



  • USD
  • GBP
  • EUR
  • AUD
  • JPY
Trading Calculator
Trading Calculator
Trading Calculator

  • SELL
  • BUY
Trading Calculator


*The calculated results are only reference values.
*All values are calculated in real-time based on live market prices.

Risk/Reward Calculator

Use our risk/reward calculator to measure the potential returns or losses of your proposed trading scenarios, to devise optimal trading strategies

Price A - In a downtrend it is the Peak , in an uptrend it is the Bottom.
Price B - In a downtrend it is the Bottom, in an Uptrend it is the Peak.
Price C - The current price of the underlying instrument.

  • Forex
  • Swap / Interest
  • Profit
  • Margin
  • Pip
  • Currency
  • Fibonacci
  • Position Size
  • Risk/Reward
  • Notional Volume
Trading Calculator
Trading Calculator
Trading Calculator


  • Target


  • Risk


  • Reward


  • Ratio


*The calculated results are only reference values.
*All values are calculated in real-time based on live market prices.

Notional Volume Calculator

Use our notional volume calculator to help determine the total value of a derivative contract position by considering the trading lot, contract size, price of the underlying assets and product exchange rate.

  • Forex
  • Swap / Interest
  • Profit
  • Margin
  • Pip
  • Currency
  • Fibonacci
  • Position Size
  • Risk/Reward
  • Notional Volume


Trading Calculator
Trading Calculator


*The calculated results are only reference values.
*All values are calculated in real-time based on live market prices.

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